About WADA

Team Wada

A great dream can only be achieved by great leaders and a great and passionate team.

WADA team is a perfect combination of Vietnamese passionate professionals who have in-depth experience in Internet service development; and specialists from other leading national Search Engines. They are headed by a Leadership board who are pioneers in Internet industry for 20+ years.

The dream to create The National Search Platform for Vietnam with full localized services and contents that fits Vietnamese people’s daily needs is our real motivation that inspires WADA team every day. Bringing Vietnam country and Vietnamese people digital lives to higher level of quality is the happiness and motto in lives of every WADA member.

As our daily thriving, we have strong hope and belief that WADA will become a close friend who help guiding Vietnamese people and their family in surfing, searching, entertainning and learning on the Internet.

Welcome there, try and help us improve WADA to make Vietnamese internet dream come true.


Vietnam is stepping steadily into the new era of its development — online era. Following the global trends, the Internet has been developing in Vietnam with the highest rate in the world. Online contents and services have been growing rapidly making online lives of Vietnamese people more emotional and interesting.

As a matter of facts, Information and communication technology (ICT) has been identified as a key strategic industry that can raise overall competencies of our country and has a potential to bring Vietnam up to the top of leadership in the region and the world.

The moment when Vietnamese people will be able to get online services and explore contents in Internet in the easiest and fastest way, just by several clicks, will make us proud of Vietnam as one of new leading countries which improve their online space for the people’s needs. It’s a future every Vietnamese dreams about.

Being fascinated by such dream and having passion for Internet, our team has started an ambitious innovative project to create a Vietnamese Search and to build online services platform which will let local people to satisfy their daily needs in news, knowledge, entertainment and social networking.

So now WADA, our Internet search portal, is the first step of this project.

Our vision

We are dedicated to develop our dream, WADA, as a Vietnamese National Internet Search Engine with online services platform which will satisfy all needs of Vietnamese online users in information, personal development and entertainment.

Our mission

We are continuously and consistently working on WADA:

  • To bring the innovative and excellent web portal with fully localized online services such as Web Search and Specialized Searches for news, entertainment, places, knowledge, products and so on to Vietnamese community.
  • To promote and boost technological innovation and entrepreneurship of Vietnamese new generation which would contribute to the development of Vietnam as a future leaders.
  • To offer a great place for businesses and their potential customers to meet and share their values on our platform.

WADA needs your support in achieving its goal. If you share the same passion for Vietnamese Internet as we have, join us!